I have finally finished.
365 days without spending any extra money on clothes.
And it feels great.
It has been an amazing journey.
There has been a lot of other stuff going on in my life this year but this focus on the discipline of posting has been therapeutic.
When I have felt my lowest I have hunted through my wardrobe for a pick me up on a hanger.
When I want to look brave outside (even though I'm crumbling on the inside) I have carefully selected the kind of clothes I want to stick up for me.
The suit I wore when I wanted to crawl under the covers took me by the hand and told the people I had to face that I was smart, slick and meant business.
The red top I wore constantly through the darkest days of my recent winter reminded me of the brighter days to come.
I know some people (and they have every right to) feel that those of us who expend a lot of energy thinking about clothes are pretty shallow.
But if it hadn't been for this blog which led to the connection of everyone out there who provided a few kind words at difficult times i don't think I would feel as positive as I do right now.
Through this blog I have met so many other kind souls I would never normally have come into contact with.
And that means everyone who has commented on my journey over the past year and those of you who have followed from a distance.
This blog ends here but I have set up a new one called The Small Fabric Of My Life which will include my musings on what matters most to me (family, friends, clothes, writing, fitness, music etc).
In many ways the same as this blog but without the countdown.
I am ending this blog with the outfit I began with.
I feel this sums up a great deal of what I have learned - stylewise- from this journey.
It is a dress I hardly wore but is, I discovered, the perfect shape, colour and pattern for me.
Thanks to style tips from other bloggers I have learned how to wear it in a casual style, dressed-up and during winter and summer.
Best of all, it always cheers me up.
And that, I think is the secret of a successful style - finding clothes that work for your shape, your life and your budget.
That cheer you up when you are feeling down and stick up for you when you are feeling low.
In essence working your wardrobe is really about getting your wardrobe to work for you.
If you have enjoyed this blog please join me at my new blog with footnotes on fashion, fun, family and friends - The Small Fabric Of My Life.
Au Revoir