Wednesday, 8 July 2009

13 days to go: The Girl In The Striped Top

I love this top.
I always feel great when I wear it.
And to think it was tucked away in my wardrobe for aeons because I hadn't worked out how to refashion t-shirts by cutting the neck and the sleeves.
I'm escaping to prison today after a week's holiday.
Once I'm inside the prison I lock the doors and escape all my troubles which I leave outside.
Maybe I won't bother to pick them up on the way back out today.
This morning we will be writing in different voices after creating characters using the Marcel Proust questionnaire.
I get so excited about creating new characters and getting to know them.
I love the made up world.
When life is tough isn't it wonderful to create your very own world to escape to?

I wore...
Shoes - Clarks
Jeans - Gap Curvy
Striped Top - Primark (refashioned)
Jacket French Connection (overdyed)
Necklace - Next


Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP said...

I wish I could make up worlds, but I'm not that kind of thinker!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish I could create a fantasy world. And you would think I could, with all the reading I do.

13 days...I'm getting all excited!

Darla said...

If that top were mine I'd be wearing it all the time. You did a great job refashioning it.

13 days is ALL? Boy time flies!


Kasmira said...

I like the top, but the jeans also look great on you!

Stephanie N. said...

You look so classy and chic in this ensemble. It says "I look great with even trying."

love home|life|style said...

Lovely top, and extra lovely necklace too!

I have a creative job too Jane, I'm a graphic designer, so i'm in fantasy worlds of my own pretty much all the time! in fact sometimes I find it hard to shut down and get back to real life!

Elaine said...

This looks great! I love the striped shirt with the jeans with the blazer on top!!!! Hehe

Sharon said...

Hi there-I've been crazy for stripes this summer, I've bought a tee, dress and vest, but thrifted of course! Love your outfit, very inspirational and chic!!

lunarossa said...

Love that striped top! I have a similar Gap one and I wear as often as possible as well. I think striped and navy (and white of course!) make a great summer outfit.I like to escape in music, possibly when I'm at home alone. I turned the volume up and sing along...But it usually doesn't last very long before the phone rings! Ciao. A.

Anonymous said...

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