My husband thinks my daily pose with my right leg out in front is hilarious?
So to confuse him I have adopted a new pose.
I'm still not sure about it.
The outfit was created with a busy shopping trip in mind.
My daughter needed new school shoes.
Yes. I know there are only 8 days of the school year left but she couldn't go in bare feet.
She also wanted some new things for her holiday.
The weather forecast said sunshine, showers and wind!
I wore...
Shoes - Clarks
Skirt - Marks and Spencer
Top - Primark
Necklace - Principles
Isn't it annoying the way school shoes need replacing at the end of the summer term, just before the long summer break when their feet increase in shoe size!
Only 9 days left?!
Are you sure you're not in Melbourne? It's known for its 4 seasons in 1 day weather routine!
you've timed the end of this challenge well, virtually first day of the school holidays... shopping!
These are a couple of my fave item of yours teamed together so perfectly.
9 days to go, then heading to Spain for holiday? At least it will be warmer weather.
Pretty Chambray skirt!
Husbands are wonderful beings, but I don't think they know the best way to stand in photos. I recall seeing a Trinny & Susannah special where they took some woman and taught her how to pose on the red carpet for Oscar night (or similar). They had very clear advice about having one foot in front, turning slightly side on, other hand on hip, etc etc. You can see some examples here.
Me, I haven't stood square-on for a photo since then!
Only 9 days? Break out the champagne!
What are you going to do next? Fashion-wise that is.
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