Monday, 15 June 2009

37, 36 and 35 days to go: Tough Clothes For Tough Times

Thanks for all your greetings and good wishes.
They really help.
Things have gone from bad to worse but I can't talk about them.
Please believe me - you presence helps.
I am going back to where it all began with the focus on clothes.
I will not give up.
On Saturday I dressed up in my polka dot dress and took my mum to a Reader's Day and one of the workshops was called "Strange Poems For Strange Times" with the fabulous Rebecca Goss.
The weekend requires comfort which is why I wore the leggings and easywear top.
Today needed even more tlc so I went for my very favourite Joe Brown dress.
Here's to a better week than last week.


Anonymous said...

Love how you belted your jean jacket! You've just inspired me :)

Hoping things will get better. (as you probably could tell, it's a sensitive topic for me)

Candycane said...

Love all three of these outfits and I too hope that you have a better week this week :D


Stacy Kraus McDonald said...

Oh friend! Even when times are trying, you look sharp. I'm thinking about you.

Kelly said...

Hello Jane!
I am keeping you and your situation in my prayers this week! (Romans 12:21, I just read today "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good".
Your outfits are cute, you must be excited to be winding down on your year-challenge!

Stephanie N. said...

Gosh. Well, I'm here, and I'm reading. I wish there was more I could do.

sallymandy said...

Oh, Jane. I wish we, your blog-land friends, could do more to support you. Know that I'm here thinking of you and appreciating the support you gave ME when I wrote about painful and sensitive issues a couple weeks ago. All good wishes coming right back at you. Love, Sallymandy

p.s. love your outfits. Now's really the time to wear what you love!

Pauline Wiles said...

Best of luck for a better week. You look wonderful. Like Sher, I particularly like the belt on your denim jacket.

i_b_erin said...

We are all thinking of you, and I am sending all my good thoughts your way.

I love the simplicity, yet how awesome you look in your dresses.The jacket with the belt is a winner.

Take care of you! peace..E

Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP said...

Oh Jane, I'm so sorry to hear about your poor daughter, I hope she's OK, and that you're also getting the support you need.

Love and hugs.

Sheila said...

You look gorgeous, Jane. Stay strong - if you can make the clothes work out, the rest is achievable. Good luck - thinking of you.

Sharon said...

Hi there-wishing you well at such a difficult time my dear, sincerely hope things are better for you this week. I really love the red dress and denim jacket combo, looks great!

Jane said...

Thank you so much for all your kind wishes.
At such a difficult time where we as a family are wading through very new and scary waters I am so comforted by my blogging family.
I do feel blessed for that.

SHOEGAL said...

Love the grey dress/leggings combo. And the belt over the denim jacket is inspired.
Hope things work out for you & your family and you have a better week this week.

KT said...

Oh Jane, I'm sorry. What a bad slacker I have been. Fingers crossed for smooth sailing for your family!

lunarossa said...

Dear Jane, I agree with Kelly quote not to overcome by evil and do only good in return. Protect your own dera ones and soon everything will get better. Chin up! I too pray for you! Ciao. A.

Christina Lee said...

well for what it's worth you look great! hang in there-there's going to be a light at he tend of the tunnel....xo

Darla said...

You look confident and strong in that red dress and jean jacket. I know you can handle whatever comes along but that doesn't make it easy.

I'll be thinking of you and your family.


love home|life|style said...

my fav for this week is the polka dot red dress and denim jacket combo, lovely! love the belt over the jacket, I'm going to try that look...

Anonymous said...

Totally love the belted denim jacket with dress. I was going to try it today, but temps are a little too warm. I still gave you a shout out for inspiration though.

Sending positive vibes your way!