Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Some Things Are More Important Than Clothes my daughter.
She is having a difficult time coping at her High School and I need all my energy to be there for her.
I will be back soon.
I won't give up.
I promise.


lunarossa said...

Hi Jane, You do well looking after your daughter! Our children come first. Hope everything will be sorted soon. I wish there'd be something I could do to help. Just remember that all kids have tough times sooner or later. You are both in my thoughts. All the best. Antonella

Penny said...

High School years can be really tough but with your help and support; she'll have an easier time. Stay Strong, Stay Blessed!

Christina Lee said...

aww good luck- she needs her mommy!!

Nana Erin said...

Good luck to her.
And good on you.


i_b_erin said...

Its one of the reasons I keep coming back to your blog!
Keep it up, and the rewards of being there for your family always gives wonderful returns!
Take care:)

Sharon said...

Hi there-wishing you well at such a tough time, take care!

Pauline Wiles said...

Definitely more important than clothes, or blogging. Sending good wishes and come back when you're ready!

Style At Every Age said...

Hope you get to the root of the problem, as a mum of 4 I know how awful these things can be.

Goober said...

High school really can suck. Wishing you and your daughter well. She's lucky to have such a supportive mother, it makes all the difference.

sallymandy said...

Jane, you have your priorities straight. I hope your daughter's troubles are worked out easily. You're a caring mother, and we'll all be here when you're ready to come back.


Academichic said...

Oh yes, we've all been there. High school can really suck at times. Good luck to your daughter and to you and we'll miss you in the meanwhile!

See you soon again!

Stacy Kraus McDonald said...

High school can be so difficult, especially for girls. I'm thinking about you and her.

Andrea Eames said...

All the best to you and your daughter, Jane! Take care.

Jane said...

Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts and good wishes - please believe me when I say they make a huge difference to me.
I will be back very soon.

Jean said...

Take care Jane, I know where you're coming from.

Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP said...

Hi Jane - I hope she's OK. High school was not a particularly pleasant experience for me - it became better when I changed schools. If you need to do something radical like this - do it.

Sheila said...

Oh no, I hope it works out soon - good luck, Jane!

Mervat said...

Take care. Mine is the same age and I know exactly how it can be. Happy birthday to her too.

Much love to you both.

Kathie Truitt said...

Jane, Your daughter is in my thoughts and prayers. Please tell her that regardless of what people tell her these are not the best days of her life - those days are yet to come. Hang in there, and stay strong.

Cosmic said...

so true! speaking from personal experience these incidents strenghen your character no end. I doidn't have an easy time at school too(I was bullied, beaten-up and ostracized throughout my childhood), but feel like a winner today! I'm sure with a lovingly devoted mum she be a success regardless(wishing her well:). You're looking good if the photo is anything to go by!

You're a great mum, Jane:)- communication is the key.

Love to you both:)